Hutan Lipur Bukit Bertangga
Bukit Bertangga Jungle Recreation is located in Chini Forest Reserve which has a kind of Low Dipterocarp Forest. The area's attractions are of various shapes; Flat land, slopes, hills, boulders, layered stones, waterfalls and rivers flowing with stones. In addition to this natural beauty, there are also herbs ranging from Low Dipterokarp Forest, shrubs, climbs, palms, nails, moss, water pandanus and others.
There are two waterfalls that have a height of 30 meters and 20 meters. Facilities provided are like an entrance, resting cot, trash can, wooden bridge and camping site. Some activities can bedone here like bathing, picnicking and camping. To get to this jungle, visitors can use their own taxi vehicle from Maran Town.
Location: Felda, Kumai, Pahang
District Forest Officer
Temerloh District / Bera Forest Office,
28000 Temerloh, Pahang.
Tel. : 09-2962755